Saturday, 13 June 2020


          MS PAINT

Paint is a feature in window 7 , window XP and window 8 , 10 that you can use to create drawings on a blank drawing area on existing pictures . Many of the tools you use in paint are found in the ribbon . Which is near the top of the paint window . The following illustration show the ribbon and other parts of the paint . It's extension is : bmp of window XP , window 7,8,10 extension png.

Paint Button

New = To take new page.

Open = To take already existing file in your computer.

Save = To save new file.

Save As = To save and rename and change location of already existing file.

Print = To print drawing file.

Send Email = To send your drawing file to other person.

 Set as a desktop  background = To make desktop background of your drawing after save file.

              Home menu

Copy = To copy shape and text. 

Paste = To paste after copying file text and shape.

Cut = To cut text , shape and graphics.

Crop = To crop image.

Resize = To resize image and shape.

Rotate = To rotate selected item.

Pencil = To draw drawing.

Eraser = To eraser drawing from page.

Fill with bucket tools = To fill object.

Pick tool = To pick colour of image and other object.

Magnifier = To zoom page. 

Brush = To draw different kind of  brush.

Outline / Fill = To fill colour in outline and object in different way.

Size = To give size of object outline , pencil , eraser etc.

               View menu

Zoom in = To zoom page.

Zoom out = To zoom out page. 

Rulers = To draw object according measurement.

Grid lines = To take page grid line.

Status bar = To check status of object.

H/V scroll bar = To drag page up and down by vertical 
scroll bar and drag page left and  right by horizontal scroll bar

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